Neck &Lower Back Pain

There are many reasons to neck and lower back pain. The most common are:

  1. Degenerative Disc Disease

    Many people associate this condition with ageing. And though this is a factor, it is just one of the many factors that contribute to spinal degeneration.

    It is when your spine wears and tears at an abnormal rate. The discs sit in between the vertebrae acting as a cushion. They help support the spine and absorb shock. When they start to wear and tear away unevenly or at a faster rate, the bones can start to rub together and this contact can cause pain and lead to more serious conditions which will be discussed below.

  2. Disc Herniation

    Also known as a bulge, slipped or torn, it is the most common spinal issue. Though it may happen in other areas of the spine, it is more common in the lumbar (lower back). It is a very painful condition, but the good news is, it can be managed without the intervention of surgery at The Chiro Boutique. We are here to help.

    Disc herniations most commonly happen due to wear and tear from incorrect biomechanics. However, many people also experience it after an injury such as picking up heavy objects, sudden forceful movements such as whiplash, falls or sports injuries. Majority of people experience lower back or neck pain first, but depending on the severity, this pain can radiate (travel) to other areas of the body. For example, sciatica is a painful condition that extends all the way to the gluteus, hamstrings calf and even foot.

  3. Spondylolisthesis

    A spinal condition where one vertebrae slips forward onto the vertebrae below it. It is often due to repetitive stresses and falls. The symptoms mimic many other conditions, which is why many patients are not aware of having this condition. It is important to note that slipped disc or disc herniation is not the same as spondylolisthesis and proper diagnosis is needed in order to properly care for this condition. The best way to diagnose and grade a spondylolisthesis is through imaging such as x-ray or MRI. However, in some cases, particularly more severe ones, the condition can be visualised and palpated.

  4. Spinal stenosis

    This condition often occurs due to a herniated disc, however in some cases, bone spurs can grow and push directly on the nerve itself. Symptoms may include: pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, cramping.

At The Chiro Boutique we will assess and help diagnose spinal issues and recommend the treatment that is right for you. We specialise in proper rehabilitation needs, no matter the severity or age. Any questions regarding your concerns, do not hesitate to contact us to book your consultation!