Myofascial Release

Fascia is a thin but tough connective tissue throughout the whole body. It wraps around your muscles and organs and helps to support these structures. Any tightness to the fascia can cause mobility issues and pain. As fascia is also connected to our nervous system, it is a great treatment method to add to your chiropractic adjustments to supplement your care. 

Myofascial Release is a physical therapy technique which releases tension in the fascia due to trauma, stress, posture or inflammation.

It is a gentle massage that may feel like a slight stretch and pressure to the affected muscle. The process is repeated multiple times around the same trigger points until the tension is fully released.

Myofascial Release may be performed away from the area of the complaint as fascia is a large web-like structure which connects many muscles together. For example, pain and discomfort in the hamstring could come from mechanical issues in the calf or gluteus muscles.  

Just like our other treatment options, Myofascial Release Therapy is not performed as a stand alone therapy.

At The Chiro Boutique, we add this in conjunction
with other treatments to facilitate faster results.