
It is important to understand that the spine is just like any other bone in the body, providing support and shape. It is the attachment point for tendons and ligaments and serves to hold these structures together, keeping them stable. As these structures are connected in one way or another, it is common that when there are any misalignments or injuries to the spine, the surrounding soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) will also be affected or weakened.

At our clinic, we are experienced and detailed in finding out these areas of weakness and we will provide the best mobility and strengthening exercises together with advice. 

We truly believe that in order for the human body to reach its full potential and function, it is necessary to strengthen and rehabilitate. Rehabilitation is not only important for improving imbalances and restoring proper biomechanics, but it also helps the body to prevent any further injuries. 

The Chiro Boutique prides itself on being open to treating and correcting the spine as well as strengthening surrounding structures in order to restore proper body biomechanics.